Eco-Movement Data API User Guide and Reference (DATEX)


Eco-Movement Data API is an outbound API based on the market standard OCPI protocol, which makes it easy for partners and clients to connect with Eco-Movement. It is also available in the DATEX II format. This API is organized around the RESTful architecture for web services and returns XML-encoded responses.



For more in-depth documentation, please refer to the original DATEX II documentation.


Each HTTP request must contain an ‘Authorization’ header. The following is a sample header:

Authorization: Token IpbJOXxkxOAuKR92z0nEcmVF3Qw09VG7I7d/WCg0koM=

The ‘Token’ literal indicates that the token based authentication mechanism was used. The parameter is a string of printable non-whitespace ASCII characters characters generated by Eco-Movement. The token uniquely identifies a user.


The Eco-Movement Data API endpoints can return more than 100,000 locations. Hence, pagination is supported. Use the following two parameters to control the size of the response.

limitLimits the number of objects that are returned. This parameter is optional and the minimum value is 1.
offsetIndicates the number of items to skip. This parameter is optional and the default value is 0 (that is, the first page of the results is only returned).

For example, the maximum amount of locations that can be returned in the result is 1000. In the result's header, a link to the following 1000 locations is given. The following is an example of a link in the result's header:

<>; rel=”next”

Available Endpoint (Location)

Use the locations endpoint to retrieve a list of all locations or a specific location (using the location's id).



The location information is retrieved in bulk. Eco-Movement recommends that you retrieve the entire dataset once a day.


The following is an example request to retrieve all locations:


The XML-based response consists of several XML namespaces, elements, and attributes.


Description: Contains the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country where Eco-Movement is established and the national identifier for Eco-Movement.

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
countryxs:stringThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country where Eco-Movement is established
nationalIdentifierxs:stringThe national identifier for Eco-Movement.




Description: Contains the energyInfrastructureSite child element, which has the details of the charging station location.

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
egi:energyInfrastructureSiteN/AContains the details of the charging station location. The id attribute contains the unique id for a location. The unique id is created by Eco-Movement, and it is stable. This attribute may change when two or more locations are merged, which results in one location only.

For this element's child elements, see egi:energyInfrastructureSite.


<egi:energyInfrastructureTable id="1" version="1">
      <egi:energyInfrastructureSite id="99c78ffc-6fc2-11ed-91ba-0242ac120004" version="1">


Description: Contains the details of the charging station location. The id attribute contains the unique id for a location. The unique id is created by Eco-Movement, and it is stable. This attribute may change when two or more locations are merged, which results in one location only.

Parent Element: egi:energyInfrastructureTable

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
fac:nameN/AContains the name of the charging station location.

For this element's child elements, see fac:name.
fac:operatingHoursN/AContains the operating hours details for the charging station.

For this element's child elements, see fac:operatingHours.
fac:locationReferenceN/AContains coordinates, address details, and time zone of the charging station location.

For this element's child elements, see fac:locationReference.
fac:operatorN/AContains the operator details for the location.

For this element's child elements, see fac:operator.
egi:energyInfrastructureStationN/AContains the available payment methods, EVSE identifiers, and connector details for the location.

For this element's child elements, see egi:energyInfrastructureStation.


<egi:energyInfrastructureSite id="'99c78ffc-6fc2-11ed-91ba-0242ac120004'" version="1">
  <fac:operatingHours xsi:type="fac:OperatingHoursSpecification" id="1" version="1">
  <fac:locationReference xsi:type="loc:PointLocation">
  <fac:operator xsi:type="fac:OrganisationSpecification" id="1" version="1">
  <egi:energyInfrastructureStation id="1" version="1">


Description: If egi:energyInfrastructureTable is the parent element, then it contains the name of the charging station location. If fac:operator is the parent element, then it contains the name of the charging station location's operator.

Parent Element: egi:energyInfrastructureTable and fac:operator

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
com:valuesxs:stringThe name of the charging station location or its operator name inside a com:value child element.


         <com:value lang="en">Powerstop - Italia</com:value>


Description: Contains the operating hours details for the charging station.



The fac:operatingHours element contains an xsi:type attribute that has one of the following options:

  • fac:OperatingHoursSpecification - The charging station location has certain opening and closing times.
  • fac:UnknownOperatingHours - The operation hours for this charging station location is unknown currently.
  • fac:OpenAllHours - The charging station location is open 24/7.

Parent Element: egi:energyInfrastructureSite

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
fac:overallPeriodN/AContains the details of days and times on which the charging station operates in a particular week.

For this element's child elements, see fac:overallPeriod.

Note: This child element is available only if the xsi:type is fac:OperatingHoursSpecification.


<fac:operatingHours xsi:type="fac:OperatingHoursSpecification" id="1" version="1">


Description: Contains the details of days and times on which the charging station operates in a particular week.



fac:overallPeriod is available only if the xsi:type is fac:OperatingHoursSpecification.

Parent Element: fac:operatingHours

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
com:overallStartTimexs:dateTimeA particular day and time on which the data was recorded for the charging station.
com:validPeriodN/AContains a combination of starting and ending time periods and the days on which the charging station is open.

For this element's child elements, see fac:validPeriod.




Description: Contains a combination of starting and ending time periods and the days on which the charging station is open.

Parent Element: fac:overallPeriod

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
com:recurringTimePeriodOfDayN/AContains a combination of starting and ending time periods during which the charging station is open.

For this element's child elements, see com:recurringTimePeriodOfDay.
com:recurringDayWeekMonthPeriodN/AContains the day for which the time period is applicable.

For this element's child elements, see com:recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.




Description: Contains a combination of starting and ending time periods during which the charging station is open.

Parent Element: fac:validPeriod

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
com:startTimeOfPeriodxs:timeThe starting time of a particular time period.
com:endTimeOfPeriodxs:timeThe ending time of a particular time period.




Description: Contains the day for which the time period is applicable.

Parent Element: fac:validPeriod

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
com:applicableDayxs:stringThe day for which the time period is applicable.




Description: Contains the coordinates, address details, and time zone of the charging station location.

Parent Element: egi:energyInfrastructureTable

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
loc:pointByCoordinatesN/AContains the coordinates of the charging station location.

For this element's child element, see loc:pointByCoordinates.
loc:_pointLocationExtensionN/AContains the address details and time zone of the charging station location.

For this element's child element, see loc:_pointLocationExtension.




Description: Contains the coordinates of the charging station location.

Parent Element: fac:locationReference

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
loc:pointCoordinatesN/AContains the coordinates of the charging station location.

For this element's child element, see loc:pointCoordinates.




Description: Contains the coordinates of the charging station location.

Parent Element: loc:pointByCoordinates.

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
loc:latitudexs:stringThe latitude of the charging station location.
loc:longitudexs:stringThe longitude of the charging station location.




Description: Contains the address details and time zone of the charging station location.

Parent Element: fac:locationReference

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
locx:facilityLocationN/AContains the address details and time zone of the charging station location.

For this element's child element, see locx:facilityLocation.




Description: Contains the address details and time zone of the charging station location.

Parent Element: fac:locationReference

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
locx:addressN/AContains the address details of the charging station location.

For this element's child element, see locx:address.
locx:timeZonexs:stringThe time zone of the location. It is one of tzdata's TZ-values representing the time zone of the location.




Description: Contains the address details of the charging station location.

Parent Element: locx:facilityLocation

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
locx:postcodexs:stringThe postal code where the charge point is located. It conforms to the country standard.
locx:cityxs:stringThe name of the city where the charge point is located.
locx:countryCodexs:stringThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country of this location.
locx:addressLinexs:stringThe type of location and the address where the charge point is located.


      <locx:addressLine order="0">
            <locx:text>Via Torino 234</locx:text>


Description: Contains the coordinates, address details, and time zone of the charging station location.

Parent Element: egi:energyInfrastructureTable

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
fac:nameN/AContains the name of the operator.

For this element's child elements, see fac:name.
fac:organisationUnitN/AContains the contact information for the operator.

For this element's child elements, see fac:organisationUnit.


<fac:operator xsi:type="fac:OrganisationSpecification" id="1" version="1">


Description: Contains the contact information for the operator.

Parent Element: fac:operator

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
fac:contactInformationN/AContains the contact information for the operator.

For this element's child elements, see fac:contactInformation.




Description: Contains the contact information for the operator.

Parent Element: fac:organisationUnit

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
fac:telephoneNumberxs:stringContains the telephone number for the operator.




Description: Contains the available payment methods, EVSE identifiers, and connector details for the location.

Parent Element: egi:energyInfrastructureTable

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
egi:authenticationAndIdentificationMethodsxs:stringThe available payment methods for the location.
egi:refillPointN/AContains the EVSE identifiers and connector details for the location.

For this element's child elements, see egi:refillPoint.


<egi:energyInfrastructureStation id="1" version="1">
    <egi:refillPoint xsi:type="egi:ElectricChargingPoint" id="IT-GFX-EVCIT-0000330-1" version="1">


Description: Contains the EVSE identifiers and connector details for the location.

Parent Element: egi:energyInfrastructureStation

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
fac:externalIdentifierxs:stringThe unique id for the outside world. It is compliant with "eMI3standard version V1.0".
egi:connectorN/AContains the connector details for the location.

For this element's child elements, see egi:connector.


<egi:refillPoint xsi:type="egi:ElectricChargingPoint" id="IT-GFX-EVCIT-0000330-1" version="1">


Description: Contains the connector details for the location.

Parent Element: egi:refillPoint

Child Elements:

ElementData TypeDescription
egi:connectorTypexs:stringThe socket or plug standard of the charging point.
egi:chargingModexs:stringThe power type of the connector.
egi:maxPowerAtSocketxs:stringThe maximum power is calculated by Eco-Movement based on the voltage and amperage.

